Springtime in Fort McMurray
Most people choose to go snow shoeing in the forest on their weekends when they are away from work. I am fortunate enough to be able to...

Banff's Bison Provide a Thrill
I’m a big fan of Banff’s Bison Reintroduction Project. When Parks Canada visionaries opened the gates of the soft-release pasture back in...

Mapping understory vegetation in the Boreal forest: Seeing challenges as learning opportunities.
The overarching goal of my master’s project is to map and characterize the understory vegetation in the boreal forests of northern...

Remote Sensing of Boreal Coarse Woody Debris: The Wrap-Up
My MSc thesis, entitled Remote Sensing Boreal Coarse Woody Debris, was successfully defended on September 13th, 2019. The main objective...

A Summer of Field Research in Boreal Peatlands
This past summer in Conklin, Alberta was unexpectedly fun. The main purpose of going there was to collect field data of the understory...